Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Laziness is the key to success

Some of the world's most successful people were lazy. Ronald Regan was successful in only focusing on a few objectives, while the president before him, Jimmy Carter had many objectives, but was not viewed as being nearly as successful. Christopher Columbus was successful on accident, buy yet he was focused on one objective. Winston Churchill, a popular British leader and inspirational speaker for the people also had few objectives. The issue is that if you want to be successful you must focus your energy on those things that you love and enjoy.

The laziness that leads to success is not the laziness you typically encounter from the average person laying on the couch watching Maury in the middle of the day. The laziness that I am referring to here is to be honest to yourself and focus on your interests. It is often difficult to be honest with ourselves. We are told from a young age that to succeed in life, we must sacrifice and do those things that are not enjoyable to us. It is impossible to succeed in doing what we don't enjoy doing, or else our success would be directly correlated to the amount of effort we put into each of our activities. The old adage is that is one thing to work hard, but it is another to work smart. We've all heard of working smart to achieve results faster, but do we really know what it means?

The concept is very simple. To work smart, we have to find what interests us. For some it may be literature, some music, some science and others, sport. The next step is to find what attributes are the strongest in your personality type. Some have are more teamwork oriented, some have a sense for creativity, and there other that have a concern for community. These attributes and interests can be used to focus your efforts on your future objectives.

Once you find those few objectives you can focus you energy on these things that make you happy. The key is then to act on these objectives. If you focus your energy to your immediate surroundings, you can affect them and eventually find that those surroundings will help you to create more of what it is that makes you happy. Laziness is a stigma that we place on those that do not do the activities that make them unhappy. It should be that we see laziness as a sign of a true leader who does not focus on those things that are outside of his realm of control or expertise.

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