Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Your Fitness Your Religion

For traditional Judeo-Christians, this week is the holiest of weeks which kicks off with what was a Seder (the last supper)on March 29 and ends with Easter (the resurrection of Jesus). There are many reasons why we have religion in our lives, but most of those reasons all stem from creating some sort of order in our lives and maintaining the discipline to reach a higher realm, be it during life or after death. Religion often parallels fitness in that if we are to attain a higher state of being, be it on earth or through some other realm, we must sustain the discipline needed to continue to grow. There are times when everyone believes they are too busy to stay in shape, but one must stop and think, if maintaining a healthy lifestyle is going to improve functionality throughout the world, then why do we spin our wheels doing everything but? Take a page from our ancestors (minus the sacrificial lambs) and dedicate yourself to making your life better. There is nobody on this earth that can make you a better you, but you. Do not complicate your life by adding more than is necessary. By simply maintaining the dedication to you, you will easily achieve a greater focus to solidify your place in fitness heaven. Happy Holy week everyone!

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